For me a very important new album recently released on Deutsche Grammophon as I have arranged almost all of it. The only piece that didn’t need arranging was Copland’s ‘Rodeo’ as it was already written for strings. New suites for solo violin and strings by Kurt Weill, George Gershwin, Leonard Bernstein and individual pieces by Copland, Duke Ellington, Cooke, Ward and Price – a unique tour through the different voices of American music.
I arranged the Kurt Weill Suite in 2014 for concert use and publication by Schott. It was originally written for full symphony orchestra and is now re-arranged for strings plus jazz guitar and drums. The Gershwin Suite for violin and strings followed in 2018 and jazz trio was added later. Then came the Bernstein West Side Story Suite in 2019, accepted by the Bernstein Estate and published by Boosey and Hawkes. It’s a thrill to have them all together on one album and my heartfelt thanks to Daniel for so many wonderful ideas and commissions.
Always been impressed by your tune Out Skerries. I have enjoyed playing it both on the piano and the organ.
Thank you Martyn. It’s always good to know that one’s work is being used and giving pleasure.